Scout Mountain
TGA2D | C++
Main Contributions
- Keyboard and controller input
- Colliding with tiles and special objects
- Animations happen when they should happen
- Movement
- Picking up badges
- Importing data from JSON-files exported from Tiled
- Creating collision and several layers of graphics
- Levels are split into rooms with transitions between them
- Next level is loaded when last room in a level is finished
- Last room shows number of badges collected, number of deaths, and time
- Background with several layers and parallax
- Ability to have story being written out in a box in specified room
- Level select slides out from under start button
- Sound options slide out from under options button
- Options toggle music and SFX on/off
- Background with parallax and particles
- Specify spritesheet and speed in JSON-file
- Can be played backwards
- Can be paused
- Can be scaled
- Can change color